Inflation Pressure
- Tyre is a flexible structure filled with compressed air.
- Inflation pressure plays an important role in carrying the vehicle load.
- Inflation pressure is vital to safe use of tyres. Under or over inflation may lead to tyre failures and / or unsafe performance of tyres or vehicles.
- Use of Nitrogen in place of air is also gaining popularity due to its advantages.
- The right amount of air for your tires is specified by the vehicle manufacturer and is shown on the vehicle door edge, door post, glove box door or fuel door. It is also listed in the owner’s manual.
- Air pressure must be measured in a ‘cold’ condition.

There are three likely scenarios for inflation observed in tyres:
- Under inflation
- Over inflation
- Recommended (proper) inflation
i. Under-Inflation: When the tyres are inflated below the recommended inflation pressure, the condition is said to be under-inflation. Under inflation increases tyre wear, creates excessive heat and causes the sidewalls to overflex. This leads to tyre’s premature failure.
ii. Over-Inflation: When the tyre is inflated higher than the recommended inflation pressure, the condition is said to be over-inflation. Over inflated Tyres can cause suboptimal vehicle handling performance leading to lowering safety levels. Over inflation makes tyres susceptible to impact damages.
iii. Recommended Inflation: It maintains an even ground contact pressure of the tyre tread and prevents uneven wear. The recommended inflation pressure ensures safe driving, riding comfort and monetary savings.
Recommended practices for maintaining Inflation Pressure:
- Tyre pressure must be checked once in a week with an accurate / reliable tyre pressure gauge when the tyres are cold. (within 2 kms of travel or 3 hours after stoppage).
- Don’t forget to check the inflation pressure of spare.
- Use of good quality valve core and valve dust caps will ensure proper maintenance of tyre pressure.
- Visually inspect the tyres for any damages and remove nail / stone embedded into the tyres, if any. In case of any doubt, consult the tyre specialist.